Information regarding our scholarships
2025 Scholarships will open for application on March 1, 2025.
Greater NY Chinese Dollars for Scholars scholars not only receive scholarship dollars but become engaged members of our alumni community involved in ongoing career development, life skills and other program as well as giving back as volunteers in various ways.
We believe in supporting our scholars to achieve their full potential through engagement and fostering a culture of giving back.
I. Scholarship Details:
Scholarships are for high school seniors of Chinese descent entering college in the fall.
Scholarships are for students living in NY, NJ or CT with the exception of the Wonton Food scholarship which is open to students nationwide.
B. 2 New Immigrant Scholarships (students arriving in the US after 1/1/19): Four-Year New Immigrant Scholarships for $1,000 per year. (Total is $4000)
Application Method: Complete all required sections of online application and submit all requested documents. More instructions and tips provided on Students& Parents page.
Please apply for only one Greater NY Chinese Dollars for Scholars scholarship category. We will consider you for all categories that you are eligible.
MERIT: Applicant is outstanding and interested in being an active member of our alumni community.
NEW IMMIGRANT: Applicant meets above criteria and came to the US after 1/1/19.
NEED-BASED: Applicant meets Merit or New Immigrant criteria but has significant financial need.
WONTON FOODS: Applicant meets above criteria and parent or guardian has currently been working in the Asian restaurant business in the US for over a year.
Distribution Method: A check will be sent directly to the college or university to assist the award recipient with tuition expenses.
II. Selection Criteria To Be Considered:
Must be a full-time student.
Student committed to becoming an active member of our Dollars for Scholars community and interested in giving back to help other students.
Evidence of student's outstanding academic performance. Must have a 3.5 or higher GPA.
Extracurricular/Community Service: Should show sustained commitment and leadership in school clubs or community.
One letter of recommendation: Letter of recommendation from someone who has personal knowledge of the student such as a teacher, student advisor or employer (non-family).
Personal statements describing the students goals and aspirations (required) or challenges overcome (if applicable).
Financial needs will be considered based on FAFSA SAI and college financial aid award letter* (can be added when received). If unavailable, tax returns or other proof of financial need may be accepted. If you did not apply for aid, you can upload a document explaining.
Students applying for the Wonton Food Scholarship should include most recent W2/tax return or other proof of parent(s)/legal guardian has been working in the Asian restaurant business in the US for at least one year. Wonton Food Scholarship is open to students nationwide.
*Note: Your college must commit that the scholarship will first be applied toward your unmet need, or, in the absence of unmet need, towards loans/work study. You are not eligible for an award if your school would reduce your financial aid as a result of receiving outside scholarship.
If you have questions regarding the scholarship, please contact us at chinesescholarship@gmail.com.
(929) 335-3537
(631) 320-8854
Only apply for one scholarship category
Start your application as early as possible
New immigrant is a student that arrived in the US after 1/1/2019
I. 獎學金細節:
獎學金的數量和類型。 請選擇一項申請。 我們會自動審核符合資格的其他獎項。
2個四年新移民獎學金 (2019年1月1日後來美的學生), 每年一千元(共四千元)
4個四年 Need-Based 獎學金, 每年二千五百元 (共一萬元)
10個四年云吞食品公司獎學金, 每年二千五百元 (共一萬元)
請根據資格選擇一項申請。不要重複申請。 我們會自動審核符合資格的其他獎項。
請點選「學生&家長」(Students & Parents) 選項, 填寫個人資料申請表並提交所有要求的文件。 「學生&家長」頁面上提供了更多說明和提示。
II. 獎學金審核標準﹕
*家庭財政需要將予以考慮。FAFSA SAI/大學助學金有關文件 (College Financial Aid Letter). 如果沒有FAFSA SAI/大學助學金有關文件, 可以附上報稅表或其他證明。如果沒有申請援助,可以上傳解釋文件。
申請云吞食品公司獎學金的學生須提供W2 /納稅表或其他家長/法定監護人在美國亞洲餐館業已工作至少一年的證明。云吞食品公司獎學金開放給全國學生申請。
*獎學金申請者所要就讀的大學必須承諾將獎金用於支付學生學費上的「未足需求」(unmet need)、工讀(work study)或貸款 (loan)。若該校會因申請者獲得外界獎學金而減少財務補助,將不符合申請此獎學金的資格。
如果有關於獎學金的任何問題,請聯繫我們: chinesescholarship@gmail.com.
(929) 335-3537
(631) 320-8854
書面申請: 我們建議每一位學生在網上申請,如果在網上申請有不能克服的困難,我們可以提供書面申請表格.
請根據資格選擇一項申請。不要重複申請。 我們會自動審核符合資格的其他獎項。
New Immigrant - 新移民學生需為2019年1月1日後來美的學生.